Monday, February 9, 2015

Bukan basikal tua...

Jose Hurtado’s extraordinary hubless twist bike might take some getting used to, but we absolutely love the idea that it can be easily connected to another to make a tandem. Designed to be reversible, the bike frame holds the wheel on two points, which keeps it secure, and the frame is crossed by the pedal system rotating inside for the bearings. The turning circle is the same as conventional bicycles, but that’s about all that is predictable about this Spanish design!

We’re not sure how comfortable it will be to sit on the Twist’s saddle, which pivots on the same arm as the handlebars, or how easily the bike will come to a stop with the hubless wheels, but the philosophy behind tandem biking is really exciting for green-minded folks like us. Really, biking alone is awesome for us and the planet, but biking for two is even better.

With easily disassembled parts that also speak to the Hurtado’s penchant for minimalism, the bike is quickly attached to another frame. If it were possible to have a long line of Twist bikes, that would make this design even more superhuman, but alas, it is restricted to two frames.

Sila klik untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut Jose-hurtadoss

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